Saturday, April 24, 2021

Funny Jokes Questions Answers

[FREE] Funny Jokes Questions Answers

Q: Why do people build new houses? Q: What is the difference between a car and toilet paper? A: What do you call the fruits of anger? It gains and loses every month. Q: What nails are a pain to hammer into wood? Q: How many months in the year have...

Files related to Funny Jokes Questions Answers

55 Hilarious "What Do You Call" Jokes You'll Want to Tell Again and Again

Safe Search Kids is powered by Google to deliver strict internet filtering. Safe Video Search Search for safe filtered videos from a variety of trusted sources. All of these jokes are two liner jokes in question and answer format. Some of them also contain puns a pun on words. Q: What does my dog do when he goes to bed? A: He reads a bite-time story. Q: What do dogs do when watching a DVD? A: They press paws. Q: Why did the banana go to the hospital? A: It was not peeling very well. Q: Why did the burglar rob a bakery?

75 Funny Things to Ask Siri [Creepy, Cool, Best Questions] – 2021 Review

A: He needed the dough. Q: What vitamin helps you to see? A: Vitamin C. Q: Why did the ice cream cone take karate lessons? A: It was tired of getting licked. Q: How do you make fire with two sticks? A: Make sure one is a match. Q: Why did the belt go to jail? A: He held up a pair of pants. Q: How to hair stylists speed up their job? A: They take short cuts. A: Because it might crack up. Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth. A: A gummy bear. Q: Where do you put barking dogs? A: In a barking lot. A: She ran away from the ball. A: He had no body to go with. Q: Who can shave six times a day and still have a beard. A: A Barber. Q: What stays in the corner but goes around the world? A: A stamp. Q: Where do burgers like to dance. A: A meatball. Q: What day to chickens hate most. A: Fry-days Q: What kind of shoes to frogs wear? A: Open Toad. Q: What goes up but never comes down? A: Your age. A: They only carry bills. Q: Why was the math book sad. A: It had too many problems.

Funny Question And Answer Jokes For Kids

Q: Why did the student eat his homework? A: Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake. Q: Where do mummies go swimming? A: The Dead Sea. Q: What do rabbits do when they get married? A: They go on a bunnymoon. Q: What do you get when an bad rabbit sits on your hair? A: A dad dare Day. Q: What kind of table can you eat? A: A vege-table, Q: When do you stop at green and go at red? Q: Why did the girl nibble on her calender? A: She wanted a sundae. Q: What do you call two banana peels? A: A pair of slippers. Q: What happens when you tell an egg a kids joke like this one? A: It cracks up. Q: What do you take before a meal? A: A seat. Q: What looks like half a donkey. A: The other half of a donkey.

Question and Answer Jokes

Q: How does a lion greet other animals in wild? A: Please to eat you. Q: What do you call a woman who crawls up walls? A: Ivy. Q: What did the tree wear to the beach party? A: Swimming trunks. Q: Why did the leaf go to the doctor? A: It was feeling a bit green. Q: What kind of tree can you put in your hand? A: A palm tree. Q: How to trees connect with the internet? A: They log in. Q: What kind of fruit to trees like the most? A: Pineapples. Q: What to elephants and trees have in common. A: They both have trunks. Q: What did the chef name is son? A: Stew. A: A stick. Q: Where do horses live? A: In neigh-borhoods.

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Q: Why did the football coach go to the bank? A: To get his quarterback. Q: Why did the melon jump in the lake. A: He wanted to be a watermelon. Q: Why did the opera singer go sailing. Q: Why was the basketball game so hot? A: Because all the fans left. Q: What do you call a story about a broken pencil. A: Pointless. Q: Why was the girl sitting on her watch. A: Because she wanted to be on time. Q: What animal can jump higher than a house? A: Any animal. Q: How do you spot a modern spider? Q: What are the strongest creatures in the ocean?

150 Best Funny Jokes And Riddles

Communications Enjoy a collection of our jokes and some funny riddles added to it, that is what we are poised to do, giving you lots of funny jokes that will cause you to laugh away your sorrows and brighten your day. Kids Jokes And Riddles 1. What did the tree say to the light bulb? Just had a bright idea! What does the Invisible Man drink at snack time? Evaporated milk. Why was Dracula put in jail? He tried to rob a blood bank. Why was 6 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9! What kind of place should you never take a dog? To the Flea Market. What do you call a cow in an earthquake? A milkshake! What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper. Where do cows stay when they go on vacation? Why did the millionaire refuse to move to Alaska? What does a frog eat with his hamburger? French Flies! What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and cuts grass?

Tricky Questions

A lawn MEOW-er! Which country is the slipperiest? Why did the pencil cross the road first? He was the LEADer! There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it? A watermelon! What did the toilet say when he was playing cards? If you say it you break it. What does an orange do when it takes a test? It concentrates! What am I?

Answer Jokes

A shadow! The captain was sitting on the deck! What should you do when you see a green alien? Why did the duck cross the road? Because it thought it was a chicken. Why did the turkey cross the road? Because Thanksgiving was right around the corner. Why did the baker go to jail? Because he got caught beating the eggs. Why did the crab cross the road? To get to the other the tide. I have 7 children half of them are boys, what is the other half? They were all boys. Where do pirates like to eat? What kind of flower lives between your mouth and your chin? Because their feet stink. What do you get if you cross a cow and a duck? A creamy quacker! Slow swimmers. What has 6 eyes but cannot see? Three blind mice. Why do Sharks only swim salt water?

35+ Funny Quiz Questions and Answers

Because pepper water makes them sneeze! Who does Frankenstein invite to his party? Anyone he can gobble up! What has a forest with no trees, lakes without water, roads with no cars and deserts with no sand? A map! What do ghosts wear on their feet? What fish can help you build a house? A hammerhead shark. Because they just might quack up. What did the cannibal say after he ate a clown?

Funny Riddles, Short Jokes, Trick questions

In what way can the letter A help a deaf lady? It can make her hear. Good Jokes And Riddles What travels around the world but stays in one spot? A stamp! What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment and never in one thousand years? The letter M Mississippi A Secret. Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. EMPTY What has hands but can not clap? A clock What can you catch but not throw? A cold. A house has 4 walls. All of the walls are facing south, and a bear is circling the house. What color is the bear? The house is on the north pole, so the bear is white. What is at the end of a rainbow? The letter W! His breath! You draw a line. Without touching it, how do you make the line longer?

107 Funny Questions (and answers) – The Ultimate List You Need

You draw a shorter line next to it, and it becomes the longer line. What has one eye but cannot see? A needle A man leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two men wearing masks.

Answers for six mini questions

Question: What would you have if you crossed a panther with a beef burger? Answer: Really fast food. Question: What would you have if you crossed a pig with a karate expert? Answer: Pork chops Question: Why do traffic lights rarely go swimming? Answer: They take much too long to change. Question: Why do thieves shower before they commit crime? Answer: Because they like a clean getaway. Question: What type of bow can never be tied?

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Answer: A Rainbow. Question: Why did Jack take a prune out for the evening? Answer: He was sat on the deck. Question: Which is the loudest state in the U. Question: Why is it that birds fly southwards for the winter? Answer: Because it is much too far to walk. Question: Why is it unpleasant to eat a meal next to a group of basketball players?. Answer: They dribble far too much. Question: How many teachers would it take to find their way out of a maze? Answer: No idea as none have ever made it out yet. Question: Where can you obtain virgin wool? Answer: Really ugly sheep. Question: How can you treble the value any Skoda car? Answer: Put a gallon of petrol in it. Question: What is the best definition of a mixed emotion? Answer: Watching the mother-in-law reverse off a cliff driving your brand new car.

Funny Trivia

Question: What is a cow with no legs called? Answer: Ground Beef. Question: Why does a divorce cost so much? Answer: Because it is worth it. By anonymous Funny Question and Answer Jokes Question: Where would a 65 year old man find a young, attractive woman who would take any interest in him? Answer : The local bookshop in the section marked "fiction". Question: Why is it a good to use valet parking as you get older? Answer: Because they will remember where the car was parked. Question : If it takes six men eight hours for a wall to be built, how long would three men take to build it? Answer : It wouldn't take any time - it has already been built.

Funny Questions To Ask

Question : What would you have if you had four peaches and three pears in one hand with four pears and three peaches in the other? Answer: Incredibly large hands. Question: How would you lift a giraffe with one hand? Answer: Doesn't matter as you won't find any one handed giraffe? Question: If a green stone was thrown into the sea what does it become? Answer : Rain.

50 Best Question and Answer Jokes

Guaranteed To Make you Laugh! Browse and share these funny jokes on Social Media. A: A stick. Q: What do you call a clairvoyant midget who just broke out of prison? A: A small medium at large. A: You can hide your own easter eggs. A: About 3 inches Q: How do you know if a blonde has been sending e-mail? A: You see a bunch of envelopes stuffed into the disk drive. Q: Why do most women pay more attention to their appearance than improving their minds? A: Because most men are stupid but few are blind. Q: What do you call a group of blondes on roller skates? A: A mobile sperm bank. Q: How do you tell a male chromosome from a female chromosome? A: Pull down its genes. Q: What do breasts and martinis have in common?

Funny questions with answers

Nothing is going well for us, we feel depressed, have no one to talk to and feel really lonely. Almost like there is a cloud over our heads that is constantly pouring rain on us while other people are enjoying the sun. Yikes, feels terrible. When those days arrive and we have no one to talk to, we like reading something funny and interesting. Funny questions and answers app was there for us more than once! With a huge collection of questions there will always be something new that will make you laugh. Like I already mentioned, there is plenty of questions in the app right now, and there will be more! You can answer all the questions and check for really funny answers. Every answer is cleverly thought through, so you should think twice when answering!

100+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

If you find some questions that stand out from the rest of them, you can easily save them by adding them to you favorites. Best Entertainment for Kids. Best Funny Questions and Funny Answers. Tricky Questions for Kids. Kids Love Funny Questions and Answers. We live in the era of social media, where likes, shares, follows matter more and more to people. You can share it on the most famous social media platforms. Use it for fun and entertainment, day in and day out. Also, be sure to check our other apps on the market. There is more where that came from!

50 Best Question and Answer Jokes | 50 Best

We have something similar, but awesome in its own way. Many new things are coming up as well. Download the app, have fun with it, and tell us your experience. No more black clouds over your head. This will be your personal, virtual, interesting and incredibly fun to use umbrella. We appreciate feedback from our users as it helps us improve our application. Also please rate this application. Read more.

Best Funny Jokes And Riddles

Communications Notwithstanding the fact that these questions and answers are referred to as trivia, they are quite an interesting piece to read. A punch of funny questions and their funny answers. As humorous as these funny trivia questions and subsequent answers might seem, there is a level of knowledge impeded in them notwithstanding the fact that most people always look out for the comic side of it, which will always get one laughing. Here is a list of funny trivia questions and answers Psychologists say that men who do what during sex are insecure? A: Keep their socks on Lord Byron is supposed to have had sex with his nanny at what age? A: At Home Name the kind of professional most often late for doctors appointments? A: A nuclear bomb Who is it illegal to frown at in New Jersey? A: Speeding Ticket — 12 mph In Arizona, you can have no more than two what in a house?

Funny Questions and Answers for WhatsApp

A: Urine In California, it is illegal to do what in a hotel room? A: Steals a towel What were Chihuahua dogs originally bred for? A: Tasty meat. In Arizona, you must register with the state before becoming what? A: Taking a Shower A healthy person does what about 16 times a day? A: Farts. In , 2, US people were injured at home by their what? A: Houseplants In North Carolina it is illegal to use what to plough cotton fields? A: His Shadow According to doctors people with what kind of pets fall asleep the easiest? A: Fish By law what is it against the law to do in Minnesota with your washing line? A: The side of a cow According to Massachusetts law, what can you not do to a pigeon? A: Scare it What safety device did cars built in Bennington have in the s? A: They showed Kissing In what European city can you be jailed for not killing furry caterpillars? A: Big Bunny What creatures it is illegal to maltreat in Maryland? A: Oysters If you are wearing a Swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for you to do?

Found 3329 results for: Questions And Answers Jokes

A: Sing Spanish scientists fitted what to cows to increase milk yield? A: An eagle dropped a tortoise on his head In Alabama it is illegal to drive while what? A: Blindfolded What is banned in public places in Florida after 6pm? A: Farting Roman men had to swear on what to testify? A: Their testicles In Maine it is illegal to bite your what? A: Landlord In Schulter Oklahoma, nude women are not allowed to do what?

40 Jokes and Riddles and Trick Questions ideas | jokes, jokes and riddles, riddles

A: Sherlock Holmes The most perjury is committed in what kind of court case? A: Tomatoes In Singapore you can be publicly caned for failing to do what? A: Play Hopscotch Why do Tibetans grow long nails on their little fingers? A: To pick noses efficiently Zaire diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what? A: Real teeth Who is the Patron Saint of hangovers? A: Your dog Where is it illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on your nose? A: prostitution In the 18th century what job did a fart-catcher do? A: A footman who walked behind the Master What do callipygian people have? A: A Payphone U. Federal laws specify what color underwear for Crash Dummies? A: Tea Rose By law in Delaware a newlywed husband must do what if his wife asks?

Question and Answer Jokes - Jokes

A: Take her Shopping In Florida women can be fined for falling asleep under what? A: Hair Drier It is illegal to do what underwater in Vermont? A: Whistle In some areas of Paris what is provided for dogs? A: Income Taxes In Boston, by law, what is banned from the back seat of cars? A: Hundreds topless women.

150+ Trick Questions That Will Stump You (In A Funny Way)

They are short and funny. Download this image for free in High-Definition resolution the choice "download button" below. If you do not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. If you are using mobile phone, you could also use menu drawer from browser. Whether it's Windows, Mac, iOs or Android, you will be able to download the images using download button.

Funny and Dirty Jokes: A Combination of Tickle and Giggle

Go ahead and riddle yourself silly with this collection of confusing puzzles. Funny question and answer jokes for kids. We only choose the best question and answer jokes. Why do most married men die before their wives. Laugh at some of the best funny question and answer jokes online for free. Concrete floors are very hard to crack. We select many funny question and answer jokes to bulid this question and answer section. Kids can answer or question the jokes with parents at home. We can prove you wrong because we have made a compilation of clean and yet funny jokes. Skip a few in case you find the answer a bit too long. Because they want to. If you are a parent looking for a funny way to teach your kids the best thing you can do is sit with your kids and enjoy the interesting questions answers together.

Funny Questions and Answers

These funny questions and answers are very simple and easy for kids to read and understand. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall how long would it ta. Weve been busy putting together more kids jokes and kids riddles to share with you. Common sense and experience will not help you answer these tricky questions. These jokes are typically short and are mostly around two lines. Question answer jokes question. Question and answer jokes as the name suggests are a series of jokes in the format of a question followed by a funny answer. Some trick questions are funny some are a play on words and some involve looking at things differently.

+ Funny Trivia Questions and Answers | Thought Catalog

Who said that clean jokes cant be funny. Kids love information presented in a funny way as they easily remember them. And we think question and answer jokes are good jokes for families. Q and a jokes read funny q and a jokes for kids. The jokes here are hilarious and clean. Then all you need to do is to look out for things or situations that will make you laugh one of them is listening to jokes i mean very funny joke. Nevertheless these jokes are healthy and good for both the young and old and even the kids. These corny jokes riddles and hilarious one liners are guaranteed to have you or your kids in splits. Youll love seeing your very own joke live on the web. Some of these jokes can teach you good things as well as make you laugh. However trick questions can stump anyone. Even though some of the answers are logical or rely on common sense your first thought is quite often incorrect. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it. Dont forget to send us your clean funny kids riddles or jokes.

57 Great Clean Jokes for Funny People Who Don’t Swear

Answer: Land a flying saucer Trivia Question: Coprastastaphobia is the fear of what? Answer: Fried chicken Trivia Question: The first hockey pucks used in early outdoor hockey games were made of what? Answer: Skunks Trivia Question: How many teeth does an aardvark have? Answer: Facial cheek Trivia Question: It was illegal for women to wear what in 19th century Florence? Answer: A blessing Trivia Question: Where were the fortune cookies invented? Answer: Cat Trivia Question: What animal cannot stick out its tongue? Answer: 10 million Trivia Question: According to Russian law, a homeless person must be where after 10 pm? Answer: At home Trivia Question: How many years old the oldest piece of chewing gum? Answer: Mice Trivia Question: The police officers of the Washington officers to get a half-hour class about what? Answer: Sitting down Trivia Question: On average, what is the thing that Americans do 22 times in a day?

Funny Questions to Ask (+ ANSWERS to look Smart)

Answer: Ice cream Trivia Question: What ailment kills the most fruit flies? Answer: Constipation Trivia Question: A crossbreed between a donkey and the zebra is known as? Answer: A lizard Trivia Question: Where do kiwi fruits originally come from? Answer: Someone who is full of beer Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a firefly? Answer: Beetle Trivia Question: What was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon? Answer: Peach Trivia Question: What is strange about the reproductive system of male snakes? Answer: They have 2 penises Trivia Question: What is the fertilized egg of a duck called?

Jokes and Riddles and Trick Questions

Answer: Balut Trivia Question: What is the fear of long words known as? Answer: Hippopotomostrosesquippedaliophobia Trivia Question: What was the ice cream cone invented for? Answer: Its teeth Trivia Question: What are people who love eating ice called? Answer: Portugal Trivia Question: What is it called when a bottle of champagne is open with a sword? Answer: Finland Trivia Question: What sport has been played on the moon? Answer: Chinese Trivia Question: What kind of animal is a bustard?

100 Funny Trivia Questions and Answers

Answer: Esperanto Trivia Question: What is someone who shoes horses? Answer: A farrier Trivia Question: How many noses does a slug have? Answer: Four Trivia Question: Which dinosaur had 15 horns? Answer: Kosmoceratops Trivia Question: What is the world record for number of hot dogs eaten in one sitting? Answer: 74 Trivia Question: What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?

Trick Questions: Hard, Funny, Best

Answer: Bananas Trivia Question: What language has the most words? Answer: English Trivia Question: What is the only number spelled out in English with the same number of letters as its value? Answer: Four Trivia Question: What is the common name for enuresis? Answer: Strengths Trivia Question: Unless one is a magician, what is illegal to own as a pet in Queensland, Australia? Answer: Retract its claws Trivia Question: Cockroaches do what every fifteen minutes? Answer: A condom Trivia Question: If one is wearing a swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for one to do?

Funny "What Do You Call" Jokes: 55 Hilarious Zingers | Best Life

Edgar Hoover not want people walking on? Answer: His shadow Trivia Question: When people are frightened, their ears produce more of what? Answer: Womb Trivia Question: The space between your nostrils is called a what? Answer: Bad smelling odor from sweat Get the best of Thought Catalog in your inbox. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. Submit You're in! See you Friday. You may unsubscribe at any time. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Learn more about Thought Catalog and our writers on our about page.

Trick Questions: Baffle and Bewilder the Best Minds (Answers Too)

Riddles for kids are great for getting kids to think and for making them laugh! These 15 riddles have answers funy include a printable. Trenton Lee Stewart tells the story of four funny jokes questions answers kids on a secret mission questuons save the world. Don't be surprised when young readers grab pen and paper to work funny jokes questions answers the puzzles and riddles by hand. Answer: take away their chairs. That's just one example of anwsers type of fun puns for kids this page features. All geocaching tools a geocacher needs in one box. Check out these riddles, brain teasers and stumpers. Take your time and remember that your first instinct is usually wrong. There's typically a level of difficulty that makes you think past questtions first inclination.

Funny Stories and Jokes and Random Stuff - Answers for six mini questions - Wattpad

The good news: answers provided. Pencils ready? Great for Kids! Who doesn't love to be challenged with some math riddles? We have quesstions broad range: some easy; some hard. And, all along the way, participants will get a little smarter about math and critical thinking. Check out these tricky riddles and put your class or child to the test. Kids learn a lot along the way ans they're challenged to think in different ways. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Take your thyme. Olive these play on words, and hope you do too. Donut hesitate to laugh.

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