Saturday, April 24, 2021

10th Grade World History Final Exam Study Guide

[FREE] 10th Grade World History Final Exam Study Guide

Instead, focus on understanding big patterns and developments, and be able to explain them with a few key examples. For instance, you don't necessarily need to know that in Columbus sailed the ocean blue; you also don't need to know the details of...

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You'll have flexibility in what specific examples you choose, just so long as they are relevant. You will have 40 minutes to complete it. Concrete examples can also bolster your essays and improve your ability to break down multiple-choice questions on the topic; however, focus first on understanding the big picture before you try to memorize the nitty-gritty. But unlike US History, which is more fine-grained, the AP World History exam writers do not expect you to know everything, as they test a much larger topic. AP US History is essentially a test of years of history in one location, so it's fair to expect students to know many proper names and dates.

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But for World History, that same level of detail isn't expected; this test takes place across years all around the world. Instead, you should focus on understanding the general patterns of important topics through history. This won't only save you time but will also keep you sane as your textbook hurls literally hundreds of names, places, and dates at you throughout the year. Speaking of your textbook When it comes to AP World History, you can't sleep through the class all year, skim a prep book in April, and then expect to get a perfect 5 on the test. You're learning a huge chunk of human history, after all! Trying to cram for this test late in the game is both stressful and inefficient because of the sheer volume of material you have to cover.

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And all that reading would hurt your eyes. Instead, keep up with your reading and do well in your World History class to ensure you're building a strong foundation of knowledge throughout the year. This way, when it hits spring, you can focus on preparing for the exam itself and the topics it's likely to test, as opposed to frantically trying to learn almost a thousand years of human history in just two months. If your teacher isn't already requiring you to do something like this, be sure to keep notes of your readings throughout the school year. This could be in the form of outlines, summaries, or anything else that's useful to you. Taking notes will help you process the readings and remember them better.

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Your notes will also be an invaluable study tool in the spring. Finally, check the website of whatever textbook your class uses. Many textbook websites have extra features, such as chapter outlines and summaries, which can be excellent study resources for you throughout the year. Tip 3: Read a Prep Book or Two in the Spring Even if you keep up with AP World History throughout the year, you're probably going to be a bit hazy on topics you learned in September when you start studying for the test in March or April. This is why we recommend getting a prep book , which will provide a much broader overview of world history, focusing especially on topics tested on the exam. If you've been learning well throughout the school year, reading a prep book will trigger your background knowledge and help you review. Think of your prep book as your second, much quicker pass through world history.

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And in case you're wondering—no, the prep book alone will not fill you in on the necessary depth of knowledge for the entire test. You can't replace reading your textbook throughout the year with reading a prep book in the spring. The AP World History multiple-choice section especially can ask some pretty specific questions, and you'd definitely have blind spots if all you did is read a prep book and not an actual textbook. Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to explain examples in your essay in as much detail if you've only read a few paragraphs about major historical events. You also need to know how to use your time effectively, especially on the multiple-choice section. This gives you just one minute per question, so you'll have to move fast. And to be ready for this quick pace, practice is key. To practice pacing yourself, it's crucial that you get a prep book containing practice tests.

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Even if you've read your textbook diligently, taken notes, and reviewed the material, it's really important to practice actual multiple-choice sections so you can get used to the timing of the test. Although there are a handful of stand-alone questions, most come in sets of three to four and ask you to look at a specific source, such as a graph, image, secondary source, or map. It's a good idea to skip and return to tough questions as long as you keep an eye on the time! Your teacher should be giving you multiple-choice quizzes or tests throughout the year to help you prepare for the test. If your teacher isn't doing this, it will, unfortunately, be up to you to find multiple-choice practice questions from prep books and online resources.

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See our complete list of AP World History practice tests here and remember to find updated materials for the new Modern exam. You need to create your own multiple-choice strategy as you study, such as using the process of elimination, being ready to read and analyze pictures and charts, and being constantly aware of your time. I recommend wearing a watch when you practice so you can keep an eye on how long you spend on each question. Finally, make sure to answer every question on the exam. There are no penalties for incorrect answers, so you might as well guess on any questions you're not sure about or have no time for. In short, make sure you practice AP World History multiple-choice questions so that when you sit down to take the exam, you'll feel confident and ready to move fast. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service.

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We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. For each essay, you need to be able to brainstorm quickly and write an essay that answers the prompt, is well organized, and has a cogent thesis. A thesis is a one-sentence summary of your main argument. For the sake of AP essays, it's best to put your thesis at the end of the introductory paragraph so the grader can find it quickly. When organizing your essay, have each paragraph explain one part of the argument, with a topic sentence basically, a mini-thesis at the beginning of each paragraph that explains exactly what you're going to say.

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For the DBQ, you'll need to bring all or most the provided documents into your argument in addition to your background knowledge of the period being tested. For example, in a DBQ about the effects of Spanish Influenza during World War I, you'd need to demonstrate your knowledge of WWI as well as your ability to use the documents effectively in your argument. See our complete guide to writing a DBQ here. For the Long Essay, it's up to you to provide specific historical examples and show your broad understanding of historical trends.

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Again, this is why doing your reading is so important, since you'll have to provide and explain your own historical examples! Throughout the year, your teacher should be having you do writing assignments, including in-class essays, to teach you how to write good essays quickly. Since you'll be writing your essays by hand for the test, you should ideally be writing your practice essays by hand as well. If you struggle with writing by hand fast, you can build up your writing fluency that is, your ability to quickly translate thoughts to words by writing additional practice essays on your own. If you need to work on writing fluency, it's best to practice with easier writing topics. First, find a journal prompt to write about this website has hundreds. Next, set a timer; between 10 and 15 minutes is best.

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Finally, write as much and as fast! When time's up, count how many words you wrote. If you do this a few times a week, you'll build up your writing speed, and your word counts will continue to grow. Once you've built up this skill, it will be much easier to tackle the AP World History free-response section. You can also practice on your own using old AP World History free-response questions.

10th grade World History Final Exam

However, note that the test was revised for now its focus is only on present and , so old questions will have old content and instructions. Now, there's just one long essay. Be sure to compare older questions with the most up-to-date examples from the most current AP Course and Exam Description. Tip 6: Take Practice Exams and Set a Target Score In the spring, aim to take at least one full practice exam—ideally in late March or early April—once you've learned most of the World History material. By a full practice exam, we mean the entire AP World History test. Time yourself and take it in one sitting, following official time restrictions. Why should you do this? It will give you a chance to experience what it's like to take a full AP World History exam before you sit for the real thing. This helps you build stamina and perfect your timing. All the practice in the world won't help you if you run out of steam on your last essay question and can barely think.

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Also, set a target score for each section. Far from it, actually! Set realistic score targets based on your personal strengths. You could also be somewhere in-between. In addition, don't be intimidated if your target score is a lot higher than your current scores. The whole point of practicing is to eventually meet your target! Once you have a target score, practice, practice, practice! Use old exams, the practice exams in high-quality prep books, and the free-response questions linked above.

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You can even ask your teacher for old AP World History tests and essay questions. Just be aware of the key changes to the AP World History exam in recent years so that you can tweak practice questions as needed. The more you practice before the test, the more likely you are to meet—or even exceed! Bottom Line: How to Prep for the AP World History Test Although AP World History is a challenging test, if you follow all our advice in this AP World History study guide and prepare correctly throughout the school year, you can definitely pass the exam and might even be one of the few students who gets a 5!

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The U. This meant the Soviet Union had a missile powerful enough to reach the US. Castro got assistance from Soviets, Soviets set up presence near America. This invasion failed. Sig: Soviets were able to establish their presence in the Western hemisphere through Cuba and Fidel Castro. John F. Kennedy …, president during part of the cold war and especially during the superpower rivalry and the Cuban missile crisis. Iran-Contra Affair. He created the Cuban Missile Crisis, and favored a peaceful co-existence with the west. Mikhail Gorbachev … Nuremburg …, the place at which the trials against the Nazis were held after the war to determine thier punishments for the war crimes that they had committed Battle of Midway …, U.

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It marked a turning point in World War II. Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, Okinawa …, The U. On April 1, , they invaded Okinawa, only miles south of the Japanese home islands. By the time the fighting ended on June 2, , the U. Appeasement …giving in to. The European leaders did this to Hitler, thinking that if they just let him have one more country, he would be satisfied Holocaust …, A methodical plan orchestrated by Hitler to ensure German supremacy. It called for the elimination of Jews, non-conformists, homosexuals, non-Aryans, and mentally and physically disabled. D-Day …, June 6, — Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops the largest invasion force in history stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France.

World History Final Exam Study Guide Answer Key links:

The turning point of World War II. Caused Britain and the US to officially join the war after their ships were sunk. After this battle, the Allies won control of the seas, allowing them to control supply transfer, which ultimately determined the war. Franklin D. Bolsheviks …, Radical Marxist political party founded by Vladimir Lenin in He was overthrown during the Russian Revolution of March Revolution As a result of this revolution the years of autocratic rule was replaced with the provisional government November Revolution …, Nov. Great Purge …, The widespread arrests and executions of over a million people by Josef Stalin between and Stalin was attempting to eliminate all opposition to his rule of the Soviet Union. Amritsar Massacre …, To protest British rule over India, Indians gathered in Amritsar, where British troops fired on the crowd killing several hundred.

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This sparked further protests Salt March …, The British told the Indians that they could only buy salt from them. To rebel against this, Gandhi and his followers walked miles to the coast, collected water, let it evaporate, and made their own salt. Famous for appeasing Hitler at the Munich Conference. Responsible for the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.

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World History Announcements Welcome to Mrs. Pleasants' World History Page! You will find helpful resources, class notes, reading assignments, and review materials organized below. This page is updated frequently so please visit often to access new materials. Lessons and assignments are arranged in weekly modules in the World History Canvas course. Please refer to your Canvas World History course for the most recent information. Up to 10 points will be added back to test scores for corrections. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.

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Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

Notes & Study Guides - Mrs. Malmede's History Classes

Be able to define these terms:monotheism, polytheism, Lutheranism, Romans, aristocracy, monarchy, oligarchy, democracy, direct democracy, divine right, Parliament, Republic, and Senate. Monotheism was a type of government with a single person called a king or monarch in rule. Polytheism wasa the belief of more than one god. Lutheranism is the religion of belonging to a Protestant church. Lutherans are very faithful and believe Jesus is very sacred. Romans were inhabitants of the ancient Roman Empire. Aristocracy is the most powerful members of a society. Monarchy is an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority.

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Oligarchy is a form of government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite. Democracy is a form of government in which the supreme authority rests with the people. Direct Democracy is citizens making policy and law decisions in person, without going through legislatures. Divine Right is the idea that monarchs are God's representatives on earth and are therefore answerable only to God. Parliament is a a legislative assembly. Republic is a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them.

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Senate is an assembly possessing high legislative powers. What were the causes of the Napoleon War? Why did Napoleon want to control all of Europe? The causes of the Napoleon War were, first that he was too ambitious. His personality proved to be a great danger to his empire. His desire for power was leading him to his doom. He unsuccessfully tried to extend the French Empire and crush Great Britain. Napoleon wanted to control all of Europe because he was not happy with just being the master of France. He wanted to control the rest of Europe and to reassert French power in the Americas. What was the purpose of the Congress of Vienna?

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World History Study Guide

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World History Announcements Welcome to Mrs. Pleasants' World History Page! You will find helpful resources, class notes, reading assignments, and review materials organized below. This page is updated frequently so please visit often to access new materials. Lessons and assignments are arranged in weekly modules in the World History Canvas course. Please refer to your Canvas World History course for the most recent information. Up to 10 points will be added back to test scores for corrections. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.

Pleasants, Emily / World History

Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

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